Presenting the Saturday Series
Following are upcoming Saturday CEU sessions.
November 5, 2016 – No Child Should Grieve Alone
Presented by: Emilio Parga, M.Ed., Pediatric Thanatologist
This workshop explores research, experiences, and practical applications surrounding child, teen, and adult grief due to death. Though pediatric practice is specifically targeted, families, professionals, and policy makers will find the workshop informative. Special attention is given to resilience, supportive environments, and one-to-one discussion techniques when working with children around the grief process.
Location: Ansari Business Building, Room 212
Time: Registration/networking 8:30-9:00; Program: 9:00-12:30
3 CEU credits approved by the State of Nevada Board of Examiners for Social Workers. Cost of session: $40. For more information or to register, go to or contact Fran Donald at 775-682-8709 or