Broadcast Mission: Deliver the grief support mission of The Solace Tree to children, teens and families at any time and any place.
Internet Broadcast Solution: History has shown that new technologies can be effective in delivering specialized messages via Public Television, VCRs, DVDs and now the Internet. Virtual Solace delivers peer-to-peer grief support from The Solace House in Reno, NV using two resources:
- Resource materials for teachers, professionals, first responders and hospitals via DVDs and video downloads at any time.
- Interactive group support participation at The Solace House for small peer-to-peer group sessions via secure Internet video at 6:30 PM PST.
Planned Services: Peer-to-Peer Grief Support availability for remote areas such as rural, mountain or military base communities. Specialized Executive Director interactions for those communities with no children’s grief support—typically communities of less than 300,000 population.
Grief Support in Action: video downloads (average 20 minutes) for teachers, hospice caregivers, counselors, doctors, nurses, case workers, emergency personnel (fire, sheriff, EMT)
Small Group Grief Support (less than 4): interactive internet video/audio participation from The Solace House to any computer or iPad to train Grief Facilitators and for small group participation with no facilitator.
Large Group Executive Director Services (more than 4): The proven operating model can be developed for local communities using Internet sessions to train local facilitators, evaluate group sessions, assist with fund raising.
Service Expectations: The Solace Tree’s proven grief support methodology facilitates the return to emotional stability that is crucial for children and teens to be productive participants in their schools, social activities and their families. Higher levels of social unrest are observed if this balance is not restored.